Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Last year a friend of mine introduced me to a flight sim game called Flight Pro Sim. He had become totally addicted and at the time I've got to say that flight simulators hadn't had any great appeal to me - although in saying that, I just hadn't real

Anyway, I watched him playing this flight sim game for a few hours one day and was completely blown away.
He had purchased the whole DVD set and that came with everything you need for way less than one hundred dollars. Also with Flight Pro Sim it came with lifetime free updates for this amazing flight simulator software, so, no need ever to buy upgrades. It also came with fantastic 3D scenery, 20,000 plus worldwide airports, 120 plus airplanes to choose from, from a 1907 Wright Brothers plane right through to World War Two Spitfires, and then modern aircraft like the latest commercial airplanes like the Airbus A380 and Boeing 747, the latest military combat planes, even helicopters and a Zeppelin. There's definitely something there for everyone to choose from.
I was so amazed I bought my own flight sim game. I choose to start my online flying lessons in a Cessna - just as you would if you were really learning to fly. First you have to learn what all the instruments mean, which didn't take too long and then I was on my first shaky takeoff. I should say here that my friend had suggested buying a separate joystick - or yoke as it's known in flight circles. This makes it all much more real and will only cost you about eighty dollars and are available either online or at your closest electronic store. They really make for a much more real flying experience, otherwise you are limited to your keyboard controls. The yoke simply plugs into your PC or Mac by way of a USB plug and away you go.
Anyway, once up in the air in my Cessna I soon circled my own home due to Google mapping. I took it easy on this first flight just to learn how to handle the plane but now that I'm much more experienced I can dial in all sorts of things to challenge me like sudden bad stormy weather and turbulence.
I know that my choice of Flight Pro Sim as the best flight simulator game to purchase, I know was the right one and if you are in the market you really should check this out. They have a great support desk if you have any technical questions too which I have used from time to time - so this gives me a lot of confidence that this game can only get better and better.
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